This quilt was inspired by none other than all our brave soldiers who are in Iraq and elsewhere. These are the brave men and women who put their lives on the line every day for all of us.
This quilt is a great way to show our support for our troops, whether we agree with the war in Iraq or not. We will always appreciate them for being there to defend our country and pay the price of freedom for us all.
Design and quilt by Sandra.
Puff quilts are back! This puff quilt in natural colors was inspired by one of our favorite customers. Karen made a special request for a puff quilt kit in natural colors so it would match her grandson's nursery. We were happy to oblige. Sandra came up with the combination. Since then, we have made two other custom puff quilt kits for Karen. She wanted to make the quilts for two of her nieces who were having baby girls. She chose for one, pink/brown/white and for the other one, mauve/tan/cream. We hope to have these in our puff quilt kit collection soon as these seem to be our best sellers.
Quilting Fabric Supplier offers quilting tips, handmade quilts, kits, patterns, baby quilt panels, fabric, and blankets. We have been in business for 17 years. We have been quilting for over 25 years. Check out our quilts at